Health Questionnaire Information for Clubs

With the announcement that Club pitches will re-open on June 24th (Adult teams) and June 27th (underage and minor teams) it is essential that, prior to these dates, that all participants, especially adult players, parents/guardians of underage players and team personnel, complete the online eLearning module and retain a copy of their certificate of completion.
In addition, one of the key control measures that has been put in place as part of a Safe Return to Gaelic Games is a Health Questionnaire.
• Adult players, parents/guardians of underage players and team personnel will be required to complete the online Health Questionnaire once prior to their return to GAA Activities.
• Using the same system, Adult players, parents/guardians of underage players and team personnel will be required to declare, before each training session/game, that their health status has not changed.
The online system for the Health Questionnaire will go live tomorrow, June 23rd and this is the only system that should be used.
Key points to note:
• In order to become active on the system, Clubs must first submit the email addresses of their designated Covid-19 Supervisors. This should be done here.
• A user guide for the online system has been included here and will also be available alongside a demonstration video at
Additional information, including demonstrations on how to use the online system, are/will be available here from tomorrow.
Gaelic Games Health Questionnaire
Gaelic Games_Health Questionnaire_User Guide_22.06.2020