Scór Singing Workshops

Scór Singing Workshops for young and old / Ceardlanna Amhránaíochta Scór d’óg is aosta le Bronagh Lennon
Dátaí / Dates (4 sessions)
4th January / Eanáir
11th January / Eanáir
18th January / Eanáir
25th January / Eanáir
Platform- Zoom
Only Zoom Codes issued by the relevant contacts below are valid for these classes.
Age groups and times / Aoisghrúpa agus amanna tosaithe:
Ages 7-11 (6:30-7:10pm each week) LIMITED SPACES
Ages 12-16 (7:15-7:55pm each week) LIMITED SPACES
Scór Sinsir – (8pm- 8:40pm each week) 10 SPACES LEFT
Throughout the sessions we will cover the basic skills needed for good singing, go through the marking scheme for Amhránaíocht and talk about how each area can be incorporated into a performance for Scór . At least 5 new songs would taught over the 4 weeks in each age group. The Scór Sinsir content will differ from Scór na nÓg.
Please confirm if you are interested so that we can gauge numbers by texting 00353 87 9505695 or emailing / We will then send you the zoom code for the relevant session. ONLY ZOOM CODES ISSUED DIRECTLY FROM THESE EMAIL ADRESSES ARE VALID.
Beirigí bua agus athbhliain faoi mhaise dhaoibh go léir.