Coaches Wanted for Kelloggs GAA Cul Camps 2021

Want to join the Kelloggs GAA Cul Camps Team?
COACHES (18 Years +)
- Minimum coaching qualifications to be held by persons coaching at camps
- All coaches must be vetted by one of the Gaelic Games Associations in accordance with legislation, prior to commencing their role
- Coaches must attend the Gaelic Games Associations Child Safeguarding Training, prior to commencing their role
- The number of coaches required are dependent on the number of children attending a camp as Supervisors and Camps Assistants do not have a coaching role
SUPERVISORS (18 Years +)
Supervisors may be appointed to act solely in a supervisory capacity, and it presents Club personnel to play an active role in the organising of Camps. Supervisor is not a coach, must be an adult and ideally should have a role in the Club e.g. parent, committee member, mentor of team etc. They must be in membership of the Association.
- Supervisors shall be vetted by one of the Gaelic Games Associations, prior to commencing their role
- Supervisors, as a minimum, shall attend the training provided for Camp Assistants, prior to commencing their role
- Supervisors may be included in the calculations for adult to child ratio

11 August 2020; Kellogg’s Cúl Camps 2020 at Templeogue Synge Street GAA Club in Dublin. Photo by Brendan Moran/Sportsfile
CAMP ASSISTANTS (16-18 Years old)
The role of Camp Assistant was devised to enable us to provide a role for young people between 16 and 18 yrs. of age who may wish to work at our Camps. The role is ideal for a young person who has been identified as one that may have future leadership or coaching potential. The Camp Assistant will ideally assist in setting up camp facilities and in showing skills to children, always under the direction of a coach. The Camp Assistant may not be used for the purpose of calculating adult to child ratios nor may they act in a supervisory role, due to their age.
- Camp Assistants must attend the camp assistant training programme, before they commence their role
- Camp Assistants must work under the direction of qualified coaches
- Must be vetted (16 yrs. plus)
- Must have the ability to show basic playing skills to children
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