Advice to Clubs and Counties – for activities post Dec 27th in the 26 Counties

1. Club Games
Under the new Level 5 Restrictions announced by Government and which take effect from December 27th, Club games are not permitted.
2. Club Training
In level 5, underage and adult training can take place, but must be on a non-contact basis in pods of up to 15.
All clubs and players are reminded that Health Questionnaires and all other relevant control measures must continue to be followed.
3. Use of Indoor Team Facilities
Dressing rooms, showers and all other indoor training facilities should remain closed for club activities.
Club Gyms in the 26 Counties may be opened for use by individuals only, with protective measures in place. Players/Teams must not train in groups.
4. Committee Meetings
No indoor meetings can be held.
5. Officer Training
All officer Training must be delivered online. Outdoor coaching education courses cannot be held
6. Club Bars
Club Bars serving food must close from 3pm on Christmas Eve and until further notice. Delivery and take away food services only are permitted.
7. Indoor Events on GAA Property
Commercial use of indoor halls continues to be permitted where agreement was in place prior to March and relevant insurance are in place. Use by State bodies e.g. HSE/Schools is also permitted.
These are the only instances in which indoor activity is permitted on GAA Club property.
8. Outdoor Events on GAA Property
All planned outdoor gatherings post Dec 27th must be cancelled. This includes Drive in events.
9. Games and Training
Neither competitive nor challenge games are permitted in 2nd Level schools.
Training is permitted on a non-contact basis in pods of no more than 15 people in the 26 Counties or for the purposes of P.E in schools
Games are not permitted to take place at 3rd level under the latest Government restrictions – in addition, the new guidelines recommend that all Higher and Adult Education should remain primarily online with exemptions for essential onsite activities only. As such, no training sessions are permitted in 3rd level institutions in either jurisdiction until further notice.
Additional advice to Clubs and Counties in the 6 Counties
From 26th December to 2nd January inclusive no sporting events are permitted – this includes games in the Ulster Minor Championships. However, minor inter county teams still in the Championship are permitted to train between 6am and 8pm only.
Collective Club training is not permitted – outdoor exercise permitted only as individuals or with members of your own household.
From 2nd January outdoor gatherings for the purposes of exercise or sport are only permitted for inter county teams
Collective training is permitted for inter county teams only (including Inter County Minor) and may take place either indoors or outdoors. Spectators are not permitted.
Collective Club training is not permitted.
The Executive in the North have indicated that these arrangements will be reviewed after four weeks from 26th December 2020.
10. 2020 Minor Championships and U20 Hurling
The GAA are awaiting clarity from Government as to whether the remaining games in the 2020 Championship at U20 and Minor level can take place. Unfortunately we have not received this yet, but we will provide this to Counties as soon as it is available.
11. 2021 Competitions – Return to Training dates
Counties are reminded that the following Return to Collective Training Dates for 2021 Competitions must be observed:
· No return to collective Senior inter county training before January 15th
Senior inter county challenge games allowed from Start of February – due to covid and its associated risks, no training or games that will involve an overnight stay are permitted during pre-season.
No return to collective inter county minor training (H & F) or U20 Football before Friday 5th February; challenge games in these grades will be permitted from Friday, February 26th.
No return to collective inter county U20 Hurling training before Friday, April 2nd. Challenge games will be permitted from April 23rd
Counties and teams that are found to be in breach of the dates outlined above may be dealt with under Rule 7.2 T.O 2020 (“Misconduct considered to have discredited the Association”). Penalties available u