Updated Advice to Clubs and Counties – for activities post Dec 31st

1. Club Games and Training
In level 5 and under the current restrictions in the North, individual training only is permitted – neither adult nor underage teams may train collectively.
GAA club grounds must stay closed.
Club games are not permitted
2. Use of Indoor Team Facilities
Dressing rooms, showers and all other indoor training facilities should remain closed for club activities.
Club Gyms must remain closed until further notice.
3. Committee Meetings
No indoor meetings can be held.
4. Officer Training
All officer Training must be delivered online. Outdoor coaching education courses are not permitted.
5. Club Bars
Club Bars must remain closed until the current restrictions are lifter.
6. Indoor Events on GAA Property
No organised indoor gatherings can take place under the current restrictions.
Commercial use of indoor halls (for example by state bodies – e.g. HSE/Schools is permitted where agreement was in place prior to March and relevant insurance are in place. These are the only instances in which indoor activity is permitted on GAA Club property.
7. Outdoor Events on GAA Property
No outdoor gatherings on GAA property are permitted.
Exception: Walkways may stay open for use by the community with social distancing in place.
8. Training and Games at Senior, Minor and U20
The GAA’s intention remains that collective outdoor training for Senior inter county panels only may re-commence from January 15th. However, given the current growth rates in virus transmission, this date is under review. If there is any change to this as a return to collective training date, Counties will be informed as soon as possible.
For the moment, Senior inter-county players may train on an individual basis only in Club or County owned gyms.
No training is currently permitted for any other panels (e.g. Minor/U20)
Further information on the completion of the 2020 Minor and U20 competitions will issue in January.
9. Games and Training
Neither competitive nor challenge games are permitted in 2nd Level schools.
Training is permitted during school hours and as part of school approved P.E programmes only.
Neither games nor training are permitted to take place at 3rd level