GAA Clubs Phased Reopening Update

Please see below the latest announcements that are being made to clubs with respect of our phased reopening:
Phase 3 (from June 29th)
Astro turf facilities – for club members
Hurling ball walls
Walkways – all control measures, bar the need to adhere to social distancing, removed
Outdoor Handball Alleys
Officer Training/Meetings (Subject to further guidelines on numbers and area of room being prepared by NHSC and issued to clubs)
Phase 4 (from July 20th)
Club/County Gyms
Dressing Rooms (subject to advice on Close v Casual Contacts)
Indoor Handball Alleys, subject to guidance laid down in Handball Return to Play Document
Phase 3:
The following are allowed to open from June 29th providing Govt Regulations for relevant sector is followed and all required third party insurances and assurances are in place:
Bars serving food
Businesses operated by third parties using GAA premises under licence or lease, eg Creches or Gyms
Astro turf facilities – commercial usage
In addition, we would like to draw your attention to the below – our updated club briefing presentation, which updates clubs on the changes to the Safe Return to Play roadmap.